Managing a hybrid team
Adopting a new managerial stance in a context of mixed on-site and remote working
This training will help you adapt your management style to a hybrid working context (on-site and remote) and will give you the levers to establish a dynamic remote team.
Objectives of training
- To develop the position of hybrid manager
- To build a high-performing hybrid team
- To establish relationships which encourage engagement and cooperation in the context of hybrid working

Who is it for?
This programme is aimed at managers, team leaders, and project managers wanting to improve their hybrid management skills.
The soft skills covered
Leadership, flexibility, team management, agility, communication, cooperation, collaboration
Prerequisites: manage a team remotely and on-site
Duration: 2 days – 14 hours
Length of access: to be defined together when the offer is validated
Teaching methods:
- Practice based
- Fun learning workshops to encourage learning and memorisation
- Permanent Stop&Go coaching
- Exercises in groups and sub-groups
- Application to real cases and situations the trainees have experienced
Mastering the challenges of hybrid team management
Identify the challenges of hybrid management
Identify the opportunities of a hybrid work collective
Build confidence and autonomy through hybrid management
Fun learning exercises and training in each sequence
Role-playing in groups and sub-groups
Effective organisation in hybrid mode
Identify “remote-feasible” and “remote-limited” activities.
Organise a group in hybrid mode.
Approve communication rituals together in a hybrid context to maintain links and efficiency
Fun learning exercises and training in each sequence
Role-playing in groups and sub-groups
Developing the stance of a hybrid manager
Adopt the role of manager in a hybrid context.
Define clear priorities using SMART
Encourage collaboration and agility within a team to advance projects
Fun learning exercises and training in each sequence
Role-playing in groups and sub-groups
Post-training evaluation quiz

Download the “Managing a hybrid team”
training sheet
All you need to combine commitment and impact is contained in our MLS® My Learning Store training programmes

Customisable programme
You can build your own training programme based on modules prepared by our training teams and soft skills experts.

Flexible methods
100% in-person? A mix of in-person and e-learning? The choice is yours depending on your needs and constraints

Short formats
Two days, one day, or half a day depending on the constraints of your agenda. Short learning modules which reflect trainees’ attention spans!

Interactive approach
Practice and discussion are at the heart of our training: quizzes, games, role-playing, and more.

Our training sessions are PowerPoint® free zones! Lessons are communicated through real life situations the trainees face.

Trainees are engaged and their skills increase!