The MLS® My Learning Store Methodology
A real lever for employee and company development
At MLS® My Learning Store, we help our clients to develop soft skills training projects to promote engagement, performance and well-being.

Employees have lost confidence in skills development training
Only 21% of employees think that it’s easy to access high-quality training content. Most of the training that is available is thought to be too complex, too dense, and unattractive. This trend has been confirmed by several studies and theories:
– MOOCs have a low completion rate of around 5% to 10%.
– trainees retain only 5% of information when it is communicated in a passive, theoretical way
(source: The Learning Pyramid, National Training Laboratories, 2000).
“By 2025, 50% of employees will need to develop new skills to adapt to the changing nature of work.”
According to the “Future of Jobs 2020” report
How does our MLS® My Learning Store methodology improve engagement and have a positive impact on skills development?
Pillar 1
Learning through experimentation and practice
– Theoretical learning is ineffective, particularly when it comes to soft skills. To increase trainees’ engagement and develop their skills, our MLS® My Learning Store methodology is based on learning through experimentation and practice.
“Students retain 50% of skills communicated through sharing experience and 75% of skills with a practical approach.” *
* Source: The Learning Pyramid, National Training Laboratories, 2000
– Our trainers do not use PowerPoint® slides. Our training is based on real situations that the trainees encounter. Our exercises and practical cases are contextualised based on situations that the participants encounter in their work and on the expectations of the company. Practical implementation represents at least 50% of the training time. Participants therefore build their skills in a concrete way.
– Our training is an ongoing process. Thanks to our MLS® App, we offer various learning techniques to embed skills over time: micro-learning, podcasts, quizzes, etc.

Pillar 2
Our soft skills training programmes are fully customised to ensure that the results are 100% adapted to your context and objectives.
We work together with internal project managers, managers, and teams on the ground to organise implementation.

Pillar 3
Soft skills are both valuable and difficult to develop. This is why our MLS® My Learning Store trainers are professionals with expertise in soft skills. How are our trainers selected?
– They must have at least five years of in-house experience related to soft skills (leadership, management, public speaking, sales, communication, etc.);
– They must undergo an induction period during which they are trained on the role of internal trainers, followed by an evaluation;
– They must be engaged in ongoing training to develop their training techniques and tools.

How can MLS® My Learning Store help you?

Analysis of needs, context, and existing skill levels
Budget scoping
Design of the in-person or e-learning soft skills training programme

Project approval with a pilot phase
Roll-out of the training project

Evaluation and assessment of learning
Training evaluation forms
Individual certificate upon completion of the training
Quiz to test understanding at the end of the training
Summary report on the quality of the training