Corporate Soft Skills training
Customised training that you won’t find anywhere else
MLS® My Learning Store is an expert in training engineering. We design, facilitate, and coordinate soft skills training courses that are genuinely adapted to your teams’ needs.

Corporate Soft Skills training
Customised training that you won’t find anywhere else
MLS® My Learning Store is an expert in training engineering. We design, facilitate, and coordinate soft skills training courses that are genuinely adapted to your teams’ needs.
Formation Soft Skills entreprise
des formations
sur-mesure que vous
ne verrez nulle part ailleurs
Expert en ingénierie de la formation, MLS® My Learning Store conçoit, anime et coordonne des formations Soft Skills qui s’adaptent vraiment aux besoins de vos équipes.

Satisfied customers

Hard to find a programme that fully meets the needs of your staff and the specific nature of your activity?
Are sales failing to take off despite your sales training? Do your staff still get nervous at the idea of public speaking? Are your managers still struggling to unite and engage their multi-site teams? Finding it hard to motivate your staff to upgrade their skills?
Give your teams a taste for training
Training programmes build around real situations in your workplace. Customised training makes people more motivated to develop their soft skills.

and ROI
It’s one thing for trainees to be satisfied with their training. It’s quite another for trainees to improve their skills and be more engaged and fulfilled as a result of customised training!
Organise your training plans with confidence
Relieve the pressure by handing over the coordination, roll-out, and smooth delivery of the training to an expert training partner who will help you step-by-step.

Our customers say it best ...
Listen to the success stories of customers who have placed their trust in us!

Our soft skills training packages
Essential Package
Customised- 100% customised training programme
- In-person and remote
- Expert MLS® My Learning Store trainers
- Training follow-up
- Post-training evaluation
- Personalised report
Confidence Package
Comprehensive & ready to use- Training coordination
- Training strategy advice
- 100% customised training programme
- In-person and remote
- Expert MLS® My Learning Store trainers
- Training follow-up
- Post-training evaluation
- Personalised report
Agility Package
Pick and choose- Catalogue of MLS® Soft Skills training sessions to choose from
- In-person and remote
- Expert MLS® My Learning Store trainers
- Training follow-up
- Post-training evaluation
- Personalised report

The MLS® My Learning Store blog
The latest publications
- Résilience organisationnelle : préparer les équipes aux défis de demain
- La communication non violente au travail : définition, bénéfices et exemples
- La bonne entente entre collègues, un élément clé de l’engagement
- Management inclusif : définition, enjeux et mise en place ?
- 4 situations qui dégradent la confiance et la relation managériale